About Us
The Cooma Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit incorporated body.
Our Vision: is to build a vibrant and prosperous community which is bigger and better by 2025.
Our Mission:
The Cooma Chamber of Commerce Inc. is the leading organisation dedicated to serving Cooma through business leadership, support, economic development, connectivity, and business education.
Our goals:
Are to provide unique networking and promotional opportunities, educational programs, business services, and special events for our members. To be an active strategic partner in Cooma's economic development activities in business attraction, retention and expansion, redevelopment, workforce development, and recruitment and retention of skilled workforce. And to promote Cooma as the place to live, invest, work and play.
The Chamber is made up of 15 volunteers consisting of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary/Public Officer and 11 Committee Members. The committee is made up of a broad spectrum of business leaders and volunteers. The Committee is responsible for governing the affairs of the Cooma Chamber of Commerce Inc. on behalf of its members.
Chamber Committee

Lynetter Armour

Mark Herbert
Committee Member

Suzanne Dunning
Cooma Gift Card
Rowena Dowling-Croker


Dean Lynch
Committee Member/Snowy Hydro/Snowy 2.0

Sandy Schofield
Vice President

Louise Lynch
Committee Member

Chris Hanna
Committee Member/SMRC rep

Committee Member

Kris Sharkey
Committee Member

Tracey Frazer
Committee Member

Executive Officer

Alicia Bolton
Committee Member

Committee Member
Future Gen /Clough